mochi & jolie

26 Days of Mochi & Jolie - Day 23

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These energetic, athletic, fearless, intelligent, stubborn and vocal Jack Russell Terriers have appeared many times in film, television and print with several historical dogs of note. Among them, Uggie is an animal actor, appearing in commercials starting in 2005 and most notably cast in Water for Elephants and The Artist, both in 2011. In the same year, based on interest following The Artist, the "Consider Uggie" campaign was launched, which attempted to gain the dog a nomination for an Academy Award. In 2012 Uggie was named Nintendo's first-ever spokesdog.

26 Days of Mochi & Jolie - Day 22

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"Dog people" and "Cat people" really do have different personalities, according to a new study. People who said they were dog lovers in the study tended to be more lively -- meaning they were more energetic and outgoing -- and also tended to follow rules closely. Cat lovers, on the other hand, were more introverted, more open-minded and more sensitive than dog lovers. Cat people also tended to be non-conformists, preferring to be expedient rather than follow the rules.

26 Days of Mochi & Jolie - Day 20

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Go on, try to resist that face. We double dog dare you. Those big, dreamy eyes, that sweetie-pie expression, those long, lush ears that practically demand to be touched—no wonder the Cocker has been America’s most popular breed many times during its long history. The Cocker is the AKC’s smallest sporting spaniel, standing about 14 to 15 inches at the shoulder. The coat comes in enough colors and patterns to please any taste. The body is strong and solid, with smooth, easy movement.

26 Days of Mochi & Jolie - Day 19

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Don’t let the Yorkie’s tiny size and fancy appearance fool you. Often named the most popular dog breed of New York City, this dog has a Big Apple attitude in a tiny package. Yorkies have a confident and courageous personality that helps them do well at everything from dog sports to therapy work and makes them great travel companions. But after a rough-and-tumble day, there’s nothing a Yorkie enjoys more than a quiet evening spent snoozing on the lap of his owner.

26 Days of Mochi & Jolie - Day 18

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The Pomeranian is a cocky, animated companion with an extroverted personality. These tiny dogs are extremely loyal to their owners, making them great watchdogs, playmates, and cuddly companions. They come in almost two dozen colors and various patterns and markings, but are most commonly seen in orange or red. Their puffy, “pom-pom” coat makes them appear larger than the 3 to 7 pounds they normally weigh, and their foxlike face exudes confidence.

26 Days of Mochi & Jolie - Day 17

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Even people with zero dog knowledge know a Great Dane when they see one. Standing as high as 32 inches at the shoulder, Danes tower over most other dogs—and when standing on their hind legs, they’re taller than many people. Giant-sized and immensely strong, Danes nevertheless are the picture of elegance and balance, with the smooth and easy stride of born noblemen. The coat comes in different colors and patterns, perhaps the best-known being the black-and-white patchwork pattern known as “harlequin.”

26 Days of Mochi & Jolie - Day 16

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This densely coated, compact sledder of medium size and great endurance was bred to work in packs, carrying light loads at moderate speeds over vast expanses of frozen wasteland. Their almond-shaped eyes can be either brown or blue—sometimes one of each—and convey a keen but amiable and even mischievious expression. Quick and nimble-footed, Huskys are known for their powerful but seemingly effortless gait.

26 Days of Mochi & Jolie - Day 15

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Corgis are very active and energetic. They have a strong desire to please and should receive both physical and mental exercise regularly. Outside Wales, corgis have been made popular by Queen Elizabeth II  who has at least four in her retinue at all times. Her first corgi was called Susan. She currently keeps two corgis and two Dorgis (corgi/dachshund cross). Some portraits of Queen Elizabeth II include a corgi.

26 Days of Mochi & Jolie - Day 13

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he Pug’s motto is the Latin phrase "multum in parvo" (“a lot in a little”)—a perfect description of this small but muscular breed. They come in three colors: silver or apricot-fawn with a black face mask, or all black. The large round head, the big, sparkling eyes, and the wrinkled brow give Pugs a range of human-like expressions—surprise, happiness, sorrow, curiosity—that have delighted owners for centuries. 

26 Days of Mochi & Jolie - Day 12

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Generally considered dogdom's finest all-purpose workers, GSDs are large, agile, muscular dogs of noble spirit and high intelligence. For such deep-chested, solid dogs, they move quickly with great nimbleness afoot. The GSD's natural gait is a free-and-easy trot, but when duty calls they can turn it up a notch or two and reach great speeds. Standing as high as 26 inches at the shoulder and built like a brick doghouse, the GSD when viewed in outline presents a picture of smooth, graceful curves rather than angles.

26 Days of Mochi & Jolie - Day 11

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Chances are you’ve already met a Dachshund — how can you miss them? With their long, low body, short little legs, velvety ears, and vigilant expression, Dachsies are one of the most recognizable breeds around. They come in two sizes: standard (about 16 to 32 pounds) and miniature (11 pounds and under), and three coat types. So many combos to love! Because of their long back, don’t allow them to jump from heights; even furniture may be too high.

26 Days of Mochi & Jolie - Day 10

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The Pit Bull Terrier was created by breeding bulldogs and terriers together to produce a dog that combined the gameness and agility of the terrier with the strength of the bulldog. A Pit bull's genetic make up was developed so it would be a good fighting dog. However, this genetic disposition does not mean that all Pit bulls are aggressive or that they are prone to attacking other animals. Pit bulls require the same amount of socialization training as other dogs during puppy-hood, possibly more. Like any dog, a Pit bull that is well socialized is less likely to attack when it feels threatened.

26 Days of Mochi & Jolie - Day 9

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Labrador Retrievers are the most popular dog breed in the United States. Called Labs for short, people can’t get enough of their charm and lovability. Labs are also very altruistic. Your good-hearted friend who likes to help the elderly cross the street? They’ve got nothing on a Lab. These dogs are gentle, intelligent, and easy to train, making them excellent guide dogs for the blind, loyal members of search-and-rescue teams, and faithful K-9 officers.

Cyber Monday Special Fund

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It is that TIME OF THE YEAR again! Every year around this time, we are doing something special to support animal rescues, like Designer Sample Sales, Mochi & Jolie Calendar Sales, etc. All the proceeds are donated to varies animal rescue groups at the end of every year. This year, we are starting a new tradition - we are setting up our own Cyber Monday Special Fund. When you shop with us this Cyber Monday - 12/1/2014, all profits are going towards helping animal rescues. Join us to make this world a better place with love and care!

We wish you and your family a very happy and blessed holiday season!

26 Days of Mochi & Jolie - Day 7

MoJo Events, Product Product, What We LovemochiandjolieComment

Do you know the Bulldog is the official mascot of the United States Marine Corps, and thirty-nine American universities use a Bulldog as their mascot? This friendly, gregarious, and willful breed is quite impressive, huh? he Bulldog is among dogdom's most easily recognized citizens: The loose skin of the head, furrowed brow, pushed-in nose, small ears, undershot jaw with hanging chops on either side, and the distinctive rolling gait all scream “I'm a Bulldog!” from a block away. The Bulldog coat, seen in a variety of colors and patterns, is short, smooth, and glossy. The sum of these parts is a thick-set, low-slung, well-muscled bruiser whose distinctive "sourmug" face has become the universal symbol of courage and tenacity.

26 Days of Mochi & Jolie - Day 6

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t’s not surprising that Golden Retrievers are one of the most popular dog breeds in the United States. Along with being exuberant and friendly, they are strong dogs and hard workers. Goldens are good at whatever they do, be it hunting, serving as guide dogs, working search-and-rescue, or being devoted companions. Golden Retriever ranks fourth following the Border Collie, Poodle, and German Shepherd – as one of the brightest dogs ranked by obedience-command trainability. Though they are serious about their work, they also enjoy being downright silly!

26 Days of Mochi & Jolie - Day 5

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Maltese are extremely lively, playful, affectionate, fearless, gentle, intelligent and sweet-tempered. They adore humans, and always prefer to stay near them. So much love in such a small body! Maltese are toy dogs weighing less than seven pounds, covered by a long, silky coat. Beneath that all-white mantle is a compact body moving with a smooth, effortless gait. The overall picture depicts free-flowing elegance and balance. The Maltese face—with its big, dark eyes and black gumdrop nose—has been enchanting owners since the Bible was a work in progress. Don’t let the showy looks fool you: These are hearty, adaptable pets. It takes a whole lot of dog to survive three millennia.